Indesign and Photoshop
In 2017 I was lucky enough to be shortlisted in the top 10 for the Penguin Random House Student Design Awards I was shortlisted out of over 750 entries that year alone, for the non-fiction category. The book in question was In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote.
For the design of this non-fiction classic, the concept is based on belief and the characters' religion, as in my opinion, this shapes the characters and the overall message; ‘thou shalt not kill’, the sixth commandment of Christianity, the religion of most of the characters. The sixth commandment is repeated six times for the six people who died in the book. This produces the number 666, often a representation of the devil, whom many people thought the murderers were. The overall look of the cover stems from both the story and ‘Bastille Four Walls’, which is based on Perry Smith, one of the characters in the book. This particular song helped me to form an emotional understanding of Perry Smith and his story, as well as helping me to gain an overall understanding of the book. A line in the book that particularly helped me was “now we’re faced with two wrongs” I believe this sums up the book as a whole.