Indesign and Photoshop
In this dissertation we find an investigation of how we as humans interact with an interface; from the present and invisible interface that we use every day in a habitual fashion such as switches, buttons and even doors, to help investigate how we use them and how they may help to design the interface of the future, including voice-active interfaces and motion or gesture-based command interfaces. As part of the marking grade, the look and images had to play a key part, the uses of flat design and clear layout in the book help to convey the key messages in the text as well as making it more usable as an item.The writing was heavily influenced on Don Norman book "The design of everyday thing" with the design being influenced by teaching from Don Norman and the lessons learned in the writing of this dissertation. using simple block colours and a visible grid system the design is meant to show the working behind the UI, in this case, being in the format of a book, in a similar way that the writing explores this with UI design in other fields.